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Health experts urge people to get flu shot after deadly sepsis virus outbreak kills 13-year-old boy

Doctors are urging people to get flu shots in order to avoid a killer virus - and vaccine supplies are running low as the peak of the season hits.

Health authorities are warning people about the potential effects of catching the flu and urging them to get immunised.
For those that do contract the flu and go on to develop sepsis, the consequences can be deadly.
A shortage in the flu vaccine has been caused by unprecedented demand, and supplies were being reserved for those most at risk of becoming seriously ill.
A 13-year-old boy who was healthy and active died after catching the flu.
Thomas Snell's condition rapidly became worse after he caught a cold while on a rugby tour.
He went to the doctor and was told to rest up and drink fluids - but he never became well again.
Thomas's aunt, Yvette Clarke, told Nine News her nephew was battling to cope with the virus.
'He was not settling. He couldn't sleep, he was really restless and in pain.
'It was 24 to 48 hours that he was in that state - a deathly state.'
Thomas was put on life support five hours later after contracting sepsis.

His organs shut down as his body tried to fight the bacterial infection, and 18 days later he died.

'There was nothing they could do to save him. If he had have survived he would have been a quad amputee.'

About 18,000 people in Australia are diagnosed with sepsis each year and 5000 of those die as a result - more than car crash and breast and prostate cancer deaths combined.
Damian Jones's 18-year-old daughter Madeline died from sepsis in 2017.

He said she was put on life support after catching the flu before developing sepsis.

'Just asking the question - could this be sepsis? I think is very important and people shouldn't be afraid to ask that question,' Mr Jones said.

Dr Dilip Dhupelia, Queensland president of the Australian Medical Association, said the flu should not be underestimated.

'Immediately, if you haven't had your flu shot you should be going to get it now. Sepsis or pneumonia, they're some of the causes of death as a result of flu.'

Thousands of Australians fear they could miss out on the flu vaccine as record numbers flock to try and protect themselves against the virus.
An increase of 25 to 30 per cent of people trying to get their hands on the vaccine which has 'impacted the availability of supplies'.

In a statement on the Department of Health website Australia’s Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Hobbs said: 'The Department of Health is working closely with states and territories to monitor availability of vaccines.

'The Department of Health is also working closely with companies to ensure additional vaccines are brought into Australia.'

The Australian Government made 5.1 million doses available through the National Immunisation Program (NIP) in 2018.

Sepsis, also known as blood poisoning, occurs when the body reacts to an infection by attacking its own organs and tissues.

Worldwide, someone dies from the condition every 3.5 seconds.

Sepsis has similar symptoms to flu, gastroenteritis and a chest infection.

These include:

Slurred speech or confusion
Extreme shivering or muscle pain
Passing no urine in a day
Severe breathlessness
It feels like you are dying
Skin mottled or discoloured
Symptoms in children are:

Fast breathing
Fits or convulsions
Mottled, bluish or pale skin
Rashes that do not fade when pressed
Feeling abnormally cold
Under fives may be vomiting repeatedly, not feeding or not urinating for 12 hours.

Anyone can develop sepsis but it is most common in people who have recently had surgery, have a urinary catheter or have stayed in hospital for a long time.

Other at-risk people include those with weak immune systems, chemotherapy patients, pregnant women, the elderly and the very young.

Treatment varies depending on the site of the infection but involves antibiotics, IV fluids and oxygen, if necessary.

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