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Best Education - CAPS Resources Exams and Memos

Best Education - CAPS Resources Exams and Memos
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The Department of Basic Education was formed when the former National Department of Education was split into two: DBE and the Department of Higher Education and Training. The DBE deals with all schools from Grade R to Grade 12, including adult literacy programmes.

Each ministry is responsible for its level of education across the country as a whole, while each of the nine provinces has its own education department.Former Gauteng Education MEC Angie Motshekga oversees the Ministry of Basic Education which focuses on primary and secondary education, as well as early childhood development centres.

The aim of the DBE is to develop, maintain and support a South African school education system for the 21st century.The Department of Basic Education was formed when the former National Department of Education was split into two: DBE and the Department of Higher Education and Training. The DBE deals with all schools from Grade R to Grade 12, including adult literacy programmes. Each ministry is responsible for its level of education across the country as a whole, while each of the nine provinces has its own education department.

Former Gauteng Education MEC Angie Motshekga oversees the Ministry of Basic Education which focuses on primary and secondary education, as well as early childhood development centres.The aim of the DBE is to develop, maintain and support a South African school education system for the 21st century.The DBE Vision is f a South Africa

in which all our people have access to lifelong learning, as well as education and training, which will, in turn, contribute towards improving the quality of life and building a peaceful, prosperous and democratic South Africa.

Best Education was the first organisation to offer online resources, including the entire CAPS curriculum and as we are officially recognised by the Department of Education, we fully support their vision and strive to ensure that you benefit from the resources available.CAPS stands for Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements and is a revision of the National Curriculum Statement (NCS). Since the introduction of CAPS, every subject in each grade has a single, comprehensive and concise policy document that provides details on what teachers need to teach and assess on a grade-by-grade and subject-by-subject basis. This curriculum review has the aim of lessening the administrative load on teachers, and ensuring that there is clear guidance and consistency for teachers when teaching.

They say that education is the light when we are in the darkness. It is the ray of hope when all the doors are closed, it is the window of opportunity that brings success to those who yield its power. The power to change the future. Best Education offers you the opportunity to take advantage of our countrys significant investment in education and to make use of the many online resources available in order to empower yourself and future generations to really make a difference.

Best Education also aims to support and guide you through your education process, so become part of our knowledge sharing community and tell your friends and family that Best Education is here to support them.a website for the Department of Education in South Africa. Here you will find all the necessary CAPS papers, content, workbooks, exam papers and much more

Our aim is to deliver content to learners, students, parents, teachers and schools across South Africa using the CAPS curriculum. We currently have more than 3500 online resources and are adding to this all the time, ensuring that we bring you the latest and updated content so that you can easily access and prepare for your upcoming tests or exams. The Annual National Assessments (ANA) are standardised national assessments for literacy (languages) and numeracy (mathematics) for the foundation phase.

The question papers and marking memoranda (exemplars) are supplied by the national Department of Basic Education and the schools manage the conduct of the tests as well as the marking and internal moderation.Grade 1 Exams and Memos are tests specifically created for the foundation phase by the Department of Basic Education.

With exams from 2014 and 2015. We continue to update the exams for grade 1. Memorandums are included with each exam at the end of the papers. English Home Language (literacy), English Reading and Mathematics (Numeracy) are included.

The Department of Basic Education has committed to improving literacy (English HL and English FAL) and numeracy (Mathematics) skills of learners. To achieve this, the Department has produced a series of workbooks to assist learners in Grade 1.Each Rainbow workbook is made up of 128 easy-to-follow worksheets for listening, reading and writing skills. The workbooks are organised into four worksheets per week, divided over eight weeks per term. All workbooks comply with the latest Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). For each year a learner will get two workbooks for each subject. Rainbow Workbook 1, to use from January to June and Rainbow Workbook 2, for use from July to December.


What is a National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement?

A National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement is a single, comprehensive, and concise policy document, which has replaced the Subject and Learning Area Statements, Learning Programme Guidelines and Subject Assessment Guidelines for all the subjects listed in the National Curriculum Statement for grade 1.


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