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5 Things Every Office Space Should Have

5 Things Every Office Space Should Have

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There are many different aspects that go towards making a really good office space, including the building itself and also the facilities it offers to both the office staff and visiting clientele.

Below are five varied but nevertheless important points that in an ideal world every office space should have:

1. Good technology on offer - No matter how impressive the office development is, if today's important business related technology is not available and up-to-date, the facility could ultimately let you down. Every business will have different demands when it comes to technology, so it is important to make sure that what your business needs is available. This may be a high-quality AV system, IPTV driven communication or video conferencing etc.

2. An efficient and friendly office layout - A poorly laid out office space can definitely have a detrimental effect on the morale and efficiency of the employees. There's nothing worse than a cramped and cluttered working environment that doesn't provide you with enough working space to breathe in let alone work. Don't underestimate the importance of a user-friendly layout and the benefits it can provide.

3. A well placed refreshments and snacks area - There's no doubt about it, a simple area for coffee or tea and sandwiches can be a godsend, especially if there are no commercial coffee shops or snack bars nearby. It's easy to assume that every office development nowadays provides this as standard, but it's not always the case. This area not only provides a welcome place to relax but also a great place for casual business meetings.

4. A good clean reception area - As the reception area is often the first port of call for visiting clients, this is an important part of any office development. First impressions are crucial and a scruffy reception area can easily create the wrong one if you're not careful.

5. Good mobile phone reception - Although this could be categorised under technology, it warrants being singled out as it is so important. It is absolutely vital to check the quality of reception for various mobile phone providers prior to committing to an office space. It can be extremely debilitating to any business if staff members are constantly struggling to get an acceptable reception on their mobile phones, which may be due to the thickness of the walls, the size of internal steel beams or just the location of the office. Luckily it is possible to totally overcome a poor reception area with the use of a mobile repeater system, should you be adamant about a particular development.

So there are my five varied but nevertheless useful points relating to office space rental. I hope they help.


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