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A Day In The Life-Dong Ha, Vietnam Duplicate

A Day In The Life-Dong Ha, Vietnam Duplicate

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A Day In The Life

Dong Ha, Vietnam 1968

Brush your tooth, shave and put mutually for the grueling day preceding, mentally and actual. Prepare 50 major quality gear guns, supply thought ammo ascertain M-40 used to be serviced and willing to cross, have tools on board. Climb aboard the historic Dinosaur with me, the dual increase M-40 Wrecker, who most had abandoned for the newer single increase edition, the M-543. The historic M-40 used to be a piece horse that we revived from the dead. Lt. Casey positioned it and we went to work on it, we went over it from bumper to booms including a new paint activity by yours largely.

We positioned a dual 50 gun ring that we confiscated from the Seabees, beefed up the cab bracket to withstand the excess weight, hooked up it and we were willing to cross. Our new gear used to be affectionately named Super Hog it would in basic terms additionally properly cross any space and do whatever else. The dual 50s gave us twice the fireplace vigor of a complete gun truck most efficient the Army with their Quad 50s had more fireplace vigor.

Stagingall trucks blanketed up in their positions for the Convoy, the M-40 used to be truck # 21, we were in the least times in the direction of the rear of the convoy in case there were trip downs or in the party we were hit. We acquired to devour a substantial deal of red grime! When we cleared the again gate we'd lock and shipment getting willing for the Route 9 Convoy to Cam Lo, Camp Carroll, The Rock Pile, LZ Stud (Vandergrift Combat base) and Khe Sanh.

The 5-ton trucks were loaded with supplies of each sort, scientific, ammunition, water, rations and troop replacements. Route 9 used to be the most productive road to and from these bases so they depended on us for their survival. Danger used to be all round, snipers were an limitless fear for those of us who rode the 50s, after which there were land mines, mortars and small arms fireplace.

Thanks to Lt. Casey we had an abundance of gun trucks; more or less one in every five trucks had a 50 cal. on it so we had more fireplace vigor than most Convoys. Battalion used to be in the least times making an strive to take some of our gun trucks from us, no matter this Lt. Casey in the least times prevailed. In the party of a trip down if we couldn't make upkeep to the car effortlessly we'd hook it up and tow it to our destination, you did now no longer love to snatch the Convoy up for any duration of time.

What we didnt comprehend then, no matter this chanced on a lot later is that we supposed as a lot to Lt. Casey as he supposed to us, he used to be the sort of chief that you trusted and didnt belif the deserve to question. We were like Peanut butter and Jelly, the preferably proper combination. The males of the Flying A never complained, they in basic terms did every little thing that used to be requested of them on the easiest stage, it used to be an Honor serving with this group of Marines lead by Lt. J.V. Casey.

When we returned from our Convoy the work would establishing, getting the trucks and tool willing for the next days run. The NVA had a foul habit of welcoming us again with incoming Artillery from the DMZ, now no longer anything gets your midsection of concentration really like Artillery in case you're the objective, evening time thunder and lightning nevertheless freaks me out.

After the Artillery stopped we'd could work late into the evening getting the trucks willing for the next days Convoy, no matter this we were in the least times willing. You in the least times breathed a sigh of alleviation and had the feeling that you had cheated it an added time and used to be hoping tomorrow would deliver the related.

Then it used to be time for a bloodless shower, dress, lace up your Jungle boots and hit the rack for a wide type of hours sleep before it commenced correct as a result of as soon as again. No, that can never be a misprint, I slept with one eye open, fully dressed with boots on, my M-16, helmet and flak jacket beside me. Fast forward to 2008, forty years later we had our first reunion in Amarillo, Texas.

The hair colour and waist measurement had remodeled, no matter this every little thing else used to be the related, it used to be like we took up whereby we left off in 1968. I am so blissful with the entire guys, they were most correct Marines and they've got transform out to be most correct individuals, we exceedingly have enjoyable with every frame others firm. I characteristic that to that most correct historic Marine Corps discipline and the example Lt. Casey set for us.

Semper Fi,



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